Couples Counselling Melbourne

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Verified Reviews

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Verified review for:
Natalie Rozen, Psychotherapist

Natalia was absolutely incredible - she guided me to see things so much clearer, I feel supported, heard and cared for after this session - and fully empowered to move forward with my life in a more self-loving way. Thank you Natalie!

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Verified review for:
Priscilla Jones, Counsellor

Priscilla provided thoughtful and considered discussions in a gentle and supportive manner that got to the heart of what I needed to work through. I had been looking for a counsellor like Priscilla for years and I am so happy I have found her.

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Verified review for:
Tahira Hassan, Counsellor

She was great, so sweet and kind. I felt comfortable talking to her. Very professional.

Delphine was easy to talk to and helped me feel relaxed. She explained what she wanted to achieve from the session. I believe she will be able to help me move forward and understand my attachment styles and help provide me with the tools for a happy future.

Zhamilya was very understanding, warm and easy to engage with. She allowed for lots of prompts and ability to come to conclusions on my own while guiding the way. Allowed for lots of time to reflect and engaged at a pace I was comfortable with. Highly recommend if seeking some clarity and alternative perspective

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