
What Is EAP Counselling and How Can It Help My Workplace?


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Written by Emma Reliason

B.A. - Psychologist

20 Sep, 2022

A healthy, positive workplace isn’t just born. It’s intentionally created.

You may not even realize it, but work environments can play a massive role in your employees' overall mental, emotional, and physical health. When they look forward to coming to work and feel appreciated and valued they’re far more likely to have a better outlook on life in general.

On the other hand, when work is an aspect of their life they’ve come to dread, their well-being can quickly go downhill. They may find themselves depressed, chronically anxious or burnt out.

As a boss, manager, or any type of leader in a business setting your number one goal should be the relationship you have with your employees. This is where EAP comes in.

If you’re looking to boost your company's productivity, and stop problems in their tracks, all while building and maintaining a positive atmosphere then EAP may be just what you need.

What Is EAP Counselling?

EAP Counselling, otherwise known as an Employee Assistance Program works to create and strengthen the relationship your organization has with its employees by providing free counselling services for those who need them.

No matter what an employee is struggling with, an EAP is their lifeline. These struggles by no means have to be work-related and can range from depression, stress, substance abuse, financial burdens, and more.

An EAP service ensures your staff is given proper support and guidance through some of the most difficult seasons of their lives. The information shared during EAP sessions is always confidential and solution-focused so your employees can go back to living happier, more productive lives.

Why Should a Company Use an EAP Counselling System?

It’s no surprise that healthier employees make better employees. Companies that utilize an EAP system know that in order to boost morale, increase productivity and ultimately put more money in everyone's pockets, they must first start at the main source.

If an employee is struggling with personal issues it’s unlikely they’re performing at their very best while at work.

While there are many factors that go into running a company, the key to operating like a well-oiled machine is the employees. So, from a leadership standpoint, it makes sense to protect this incredibly valuable piece of the puzzle.

In addition, EAP Counselling helps identify and spot problems at their root before they snowball and become more destructive for your company. This in and of itself is a marvellous benefit all on its own!

What Factors Do EAP’s Focus On?

When it comes down to it, an EAP’s job is to focus on any factor that may be harmful or counterproductive to the health of your business. This could be external or internal things that may cause a decline in the performance of your employees.

Targeting and successfully working through these potentially problematic factors EAP’s can drastically improve the health and wellness of an entire work atmosphere.

A few factors include, but are not limited to:

Internal Factors:

  • Core values

  • Childhood experiences

  • Beliefs

  • Confidence

  • Personality traits

  • Mental illnesses

  • An ability to regulate emotions

External Factors:

  • Non-work-related stress

  • Deadlines

  • Workload

  • Colleagues

  • The threat of job loss

  • The amount of training given for a position

  • Diet/health habits

What Benefits Do EAP’s Bring For a Company?

You may be thinking, a counselling service for employees - big deal. We are here to agree with you - YES it is a big deal! EAP’s have a tremendous track record of boosting morale, lower rates of absenteeism and providing an all-around happier workplace.

A few more benefits of using an EAP for your company include:

  • Help your employees in a confidential, safe environment provided by mental health professionals

  • Offsite or online sessions

  • 24/7 hotline for off-the-clock struggles

  • Better workplace performance

  • Better state of relationships between co-workers

  • Motivates employees to work harder

  • Referrals to physical health professionals, as well as financial coordinators

  • Counselling services for family issues

  • Support managing personal legal troubles

  • Access to a Dietitian

So, in addition to making work a better place to be all around - EAPs provide a host of other benefits to make your company run at its optimal state.

How Do I Choose a Quality EAP?

While you’d like to think EAP’s are safe from scammers, there are always those companies trying to make a few bucks off of the desperate cries of a particular company.

Not all EAP’s are created equal so it’s important to be educated on what should be offered so you can ensure you’re making a solid investment in the health of your employees.

What are a few key factors that any reliable, professional EAP should offer you? Take a look:

  • An EAP that is client focused and approaches sessions with a solution-based mindset

  • Quick and dependable support for business leaders

  • Psychological, legal, and financial counselling

  • HR services such as critical incident management, workshops and training

  • Daily or weekly reporting so you can keep the health of your employees a priority

  • 24/7 access to services

  • Service packages that can be customized to your company's needs

  • An open-minded approach

  • Genuine empathy, patience, and care for those involved

To Wrap It Up…

Employee Assistance Programs are the key to unlocking a work environment that exceeds all standards. When you can cultivate a workplace that not only truly cares for the mental and physical health of its employees, but in turn can boost productivity and morale you’ve found yourself a gold mine.

While employees get to benefit from the round-the-clock support, guidance from a professional, and access to medical experts, you as an employer get to reap the profits as your employees will become more engaged, focused, and passionate about what they do and who they work for.

While EAP’s are by no means mandatory, the positive impacts are obvious. It’s a true win-win situation for everyone involved as you and your employees get to excel and flourish together.

If you are not looking to use your company's EAP, you can try using a qualified Talked therapist to assist you with your work-related issues.

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Emma Reliason

B.A. - Psychologist

Emma is an accomplished writer with a passion for mental health. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology where she gained insight into why people think, feel and behave the way they do.

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